Thursday, October 29, 2009

top 5 of the w33k!

I thought itd be appropriate to do horror flicks. It was alot harder than i thought(what she said) to pick favorites so here are just five bad ass ones. In no particular order:

Watch one or all of these over the weekend. Get into the holiday!!@!#1

I love everything about Halloween. Looking back I wish I wasnt so into wearing masks when i was a kid and would have done more homemade costumes. Guess Ill have to make up for it in my loser adult life.. Josh, Katie and I will be spending the weekend in Grand Rapids doin' some evil shit! Im gonna put on Fright Night and pack my bag. 666.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mid Sunday. Just sitting around being a degenerate like always. Ive been having too much fun this past weekend and the thought of work tomorrow is bumming me right out.

The haunted house in Munger was really fun. Im pleased that I allowed myself to let go and get freaked out...or maybe Im just a baby to begin with. Afterward, I watched Childsplay..oh man. Childsplay has always been the one horror movie to haunt me since i was five. Im talking reoccurring nightmare type deal. The dream went as follows(recalling from early childhood); Im in a basement and there are are tons of white bed sheets hanging up to dry. I dont actually see Chucky but only his silhouette on the other side of these sheets taunting me and threatening to kill me. Fun stuff..

Mammoth Grinder- Rage and Ruin

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trick 'r Treat!!

After three years of this critically acclaimed movie sitting unreleased and collecting dust(due to its numerous murder of children under 18), it was finally put out this October straight to dvd. I watched the newly released "Trick 'r Treat" twice now, and Ive decided that I genuinely love everything about it! Micheal Dougherty has accomplished an awesome balance of a John Carpenter flick mixed with an R.L. Stein Goosebumps short.

I get tired of seeing excessive gore trying to be played off as "horror"(i.e. the saw and hostel dynastys, etc). I wont act like some old fashioned tasteless violence doesn't beef up a horror flick, because it definately can. However, I'm not impressed when the entire movie is based around trying to make the girl next to me in the theater throw up. This movie skips over all that and goes for a more classic feel.

With its tongue in cheek humor and well thought out weaving of four separate storylines, "Trick 'r Treat" is an awesome example of what a Halloween movie should be. Original. Intense. Fun. Be sure to watch it!

Jamming with from hell tomorrow. I'm glad that I'm playing drums more often. Stagnation was setting it pretty quick.. Thrash! Now, off to wake someone up.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Top Five of the Week!

Youtube videos under 35 seconds.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

2:34 am..

Ive come to terms that my life has been taken over by the internet and that's ok for now. With two jobs and a few music endeavors underway, Im keeping busy during the day but I always end up in front of this screen. So, in an ongoing fight against the facebook/twitter phenomena, I needed to find some way to be semi productive while online. Blogspot may do the trick.

Between the show tonight and the skatejam tomorrow, this weekend going to be full of familiar faces. Nine times out of ten things like familiar faces, music, smells, etc., seem to put me at ease. Im sure alot of people wouldn't hesitate to agree. The entire month of October is shaping up to be one of my more exciting months in a long time. Gates night im gonna be circle pitting the streets of GR in an undead fashion for their zombie walk! Keep up! Between that, z rated slashers, Halloween shows, and parties, Im going to be thrashin all month long \m/.

All in all, Im hoping that being able to read back any thoughts and opinions I have will help me gain a little more footing on my sense of self. It's something we all need to do. Feelings aside Im looking forward to posting about films, music, and comics too! Somewhere down the line I became a huge nerd. First blog over. Seeyaaaa

Osker- Idle will Kill