Friday, January 22, 2010

Q: How do you know you're a total loser?

A: When you're in on a friday night and your grandma is still out partying.

She's awesome isn't she folks?

Seems like all I've been doing lately is watching Josh play call of duty. It both sounds sad and is sad. haha. We've been enjoying eachother's company for five years now so were not afraid to do lame shit if need be. BF4L. Im in need of some serious conversing but have been coming up short. Any of my good 'one on oners' are either a slave to the 9-5, not living in Bay City, or probably just getting their intellectual fix else where(i say that like i have it to offer). Dont get me wrong.. I have my fair share of good listeners.. but Im overdue for some sort of feedback. Whether that feedback is +/- is up to them I guess.

I feel like Ive forgotten how to talk to girls. Part of me doesn't even give that much of a shit. Ive tried striking up conversations with some new faces for the heck of it, but I just end up being a little disappointed. I'm honest when I say all I really look for in these brief encounters is just to learn something new (about the person, myself, the world) that I find valuable. I haven't yet. Maybe I just don't want to? idk.

Driving to Romeo tomorrow night for practice and a show the following day. Have I ever mentioned how much Ive grown to appreciate driving? Ill skip over that rant! Bolololo


Friday, January 8, 2010

Thus far, the New Year has proven to be sort of uneventful. Were only a week in, though. I'll give 2010 the benefit of the doubt. Ive done a good job keeping busy with friends for the most part which is super helpful with retaining sanity. Now all I need are a few more of them and ill be set.

The from hell show was great! I guess not really the show itself. That was pretty cool. The whole ordeal of climbing in a shitty van with 8 other dudes and driving a distance is nothing short of awesome. I need more of this stat!

My grandpa had surgery, today. He always manages to sneak this kinda shit up on me. Im always last to know. I get that he probably wants to keep everyone from being worried and all. There is something about that guy that makes him come off deeper then how he acts. I wonder if ill ever be able to put a finger on it or not.. I also went and had mexican with my sister today. In my desperation for open conversation, she was able to pull through. 19 years of being my best friend and counting..

All and all my mood isn't exactly where I want it to be. But I think I'm making some progress. I swear my fucking cats are against me.

Rehasher- Off Key Melody